By now, the work from home process has likely become fairly routine. Below are some security-related nuggets to consider as we continue adapting to this way of working.
Tips to Maximize Home Network Security
The following guidelines are meant to maximize the security of your system and network at home:
If your work requires printing materials, or you just prefer to do it, ensure confidential documents, normally put in a shredder, are queued in a place for later shredding at the office. Work with your manager to find a way to get that material to the office or shred it yourself if you have the means. Never throw away such documents in your household trash.
Home Wi-Fi Network Admin Password
Ensure your network is not currently configured with the password it was set to when you purchased it. The “default” passwords for all WIFI routers are well known and can easily be used for unauthorized access to your network.
What others can hear
Older kids and spouses may overhear things on calls you make. The concern is what they may text or put on social media not knowing the information is sensitive. One approach is to simply brief them and let them know not to repeat, post, or text anything they hear without clearing it through you.
Ahhh Alexa
If you have an Alexa device, or something similar to it, remember that those things hear everything. Be careful what you are saying around them as they typically parrot what you say directly into the cloud. If you start getting advertisements for things our clients sell there may be an Alexa Leak ;0).
Looks Phishy
Remember, when an email looks phishy, delete it.
Thanks … and if you have any cybersecurity-related thoughts, comments or questions I’d be happy to hear from you.